The Most Depressing Thing I’ve Ever Heard: So the other day when I was reading the paper before bed, I came across a story about a man who was trying to visit every Starbucks in the world. Yes, that’s right, every Starbucks in the world. The man calls himself Winter, which I assume is a stage name. He’s already visited over 2,000 Starbucks location, and has spent over $30,000 on his journey thus far. Good thinking buddy, way to put your money to good use. And we wonder why the rest of the world hates us. Winter says he visits as many as 15 Starbucks a day, and only counts it as a visit if he drinks a cup of coffee at the location he goes to. I wish I was making this up, but I’m not. This guy is one pathetic f*ck. Below is a link that proves this is for real. Winter's quest, which he calls 'Starbucking', is the most depressing thing I've heard since Gnarles Barkley's being played on the radio.
And for those of you naive f*cks out there who think Winter's ambition is no different than people visiting all fifty states or every Major League ballpark, think again. If you visit every state or every MLB ballpark, there's at least something different waiting for you at each destination. I personally have been to Starbucks in five different states, and I got news for you: They are all the same! Seriously, each one has a counter, some postmodern art on the wall, incredibly boring coffee house music (for the most part), and the feel and look of an warehouse. Each location is filled with yuppie f*cks and teenage girls who are easily influenced by advertising*. All in all, this is too depressing for me to keep writing about. F*ck you Winter, and f*ck you Starbucks.
Baseball: Here's my bold second half predictions, one for each conference.
NL: Braves win the wildcard.
AL: Tigers fail to make the playoffs.
Overlooked Album of ‘05: Tapes ‘n Tapes – The Loon. This CD was put out in late
December of 2005, so it flew under everyone's radar. While this wasn't a top 10 or even a top 20 album of '05, it's very good and would probably have made my top 10 if it came out in this lackluster year of music. Fans of Pavement, Built to Spill, and good indie rock should probably check this one out. The best songs are “Manitoba,” “Omaha,” “Crazy Eighty,” “10 Gallon Ascots,” and “Buckle.”
Sleeper Hit of 2006: Eef Barzelay –Bitter Honey. This CD is my current sleeper hit of 2006. Eef is the lead singer of Clem Snide, so this album sounds very similar to most of their work. Except that every song is just Eef and his guitar; on some, there's a little electronics thrown in. Soothing and melodic, with a twist of alt. country and Eef's famously unique voice, this entire album feels like it's a summer nights anthem. The best songs are “Ballad of Bitter Honey” (a song from the perspective of a rap video vixen), “I Wasn't Really Drunk” (a song that feels like it was stolen from Jimmy Buffet's catalog, except for the fact that Buffet would have been drunk), “Words that Escape Me,” “Joy to the World,” and “Little Red Dot.” If you have any musical taste at all, check this album out!!!
NBA: As if the Suns’ off-season couldn't get any worse, Steve Nash has cancer.

Sam Cassel is white?
All joking aside, if Amare's at 70%, the Suns will be a top-three team in the league. And I really like the Marcus Banks signing. While he can't shoot for sh*t, he's a decent passer, he's young, and he's a very good defender. He's similar to Earl Watson, but with a much higher upside. Now, if we can just find the money to resign Diaw and LB, I’ll finally be able to sleep at night.
A$$hole alert: Dodgers 1st Base Coach - During Monday's D-backs-Dodgers game, Dodgers first base coach Mariano Duncan was ejected for arguing a check-swing call. After he was ejected, he went over to the ref and started arguing with him. He eventually got so frustrated that he actually threw his hat at the official and left the field in a huff. The official then took the hat and gave it to a young fan in the stands. Upon hearing this, Duncan had this to say to the media:
"That equipment that he throws to the fan, he's got to try to go out and find a way to bring that cap back or pay for it. I don't think any equipment that says `L.A. Dodgers' belongs to him."
And yes, he was completely serious. With a little more exposure, this guy may be able to rival Barry Bonds for biggest asshole in sports. Not only does he throw a tantrum like a 5-year-old, but then when the ump does a decent thing, giving a young fan a hat, he goes and says that it wasn't the umps right to do that. Listen jackass, anytime you act out like a spoiled child and throw your hat at an ump, he has every right to punch you in the face, let alone give your hat to a fan (and probably making the young fan's night). If Duncan is really that upset because the ump gave his hat away, then maybe he shouldn't have thrown it at him. Mr. Duncan, it's time you learn a very valuable lesson: Think before you act.
Well that's all for now. I'm going to be traveling for the next few weeks, so there probably won't be any new updates until the second week of August. Anyhow, hope this was enough to tide you over.
Until We Meet Again.
* And there you have the reason why I still go to Starbucks, and no, it's not the advertising.