Monday, March 21, 2005

I’m not living, I’m just killing time.

The following are thoughts and questions that I’ve had and wanted to get out to all of you, but didn’t feel like expanding on them anymore then a few sentences. So here ya go, here’s what I like to call side notes:

- Two biggest disappointments of my weekend: I was in the Midwest, and I missed Spring Break Shark Attack.
- If you’re attracted to some one, would ever tell a friend, or anyone for that matter, that you “dig” that person?
- Why’s everybody always act so tough when all they want is to find a friend?
- If you’ve ever wanted to do hardcore hallucinogenic drugs, don’t. Just watch the Triplets of Belleville instead.
- Can AXE body spray sue Tag body spray for plagiarism, seriously, how are there ads any different?
- Is there a better porn name then Rob Boner?
- I just found out about a week ago that the song ‘Since you’ve been gone’ wasn’t by Avril Lavine.
- Is what n*gga is to black people, the same as what dude is to white guys? Outside of the fact that anyone can say dude with out fearing for their own life of course.
- Is Saddle Creek Records trying to earn recognition as the label with the worst “protest songs of all-time”?
- Wouldn’t everyone drink Diet Coke if bubbles were constantly flowinf out of the can like they do in those commercials.
- Could there be a bigger minority then a black, gay Eskimo?
- Does “Mr. Bright Side” redeem the Killers for “Somebody Told Me”, which sucked a$$.
- If you had the last name Purify, would your first name even matter, or would you just be the biggest bad ass to ever live irregardless?
- Why aren’t more bands named after states? Am I the only one that things Minnesota and Dakota would be kick ass band names?
- By posting on my blog about the upcoming Harry Potter book would I give myself away as a former home schooler who’s a virgin? Or would you just assume I was a 10 year-old boy who lived in Cambridge?
- Am I the only one who would watch if they actually made that Tiny House reality show from the Geico Commercial into a real show?
- Does Morrissey pleasure himself by thinking and/or listening to his own albums?
- When a white guard playing for an underdog or low seed in the NCAA tournament isn’t a great shooter, am I the only one who feels let down and/or betrayed?
- Does anyone else think Ashton Kutcher’s last name sounds like a euphemism for part of the female anatomy.
- On a similar note, doesn’t Kenosha (a town in Wisconsin) sound like a dirty word. As in "Yeah bro, I got a bit of Kenosha last night."
- Thought you should hear this. Shaq on what he and Kobe said before the start of their March 17th game: “I didn't say anything. Got nothing to say. I'm a married man; I don't need a relationship with another man.”
- Is there any doubt that Mr. and Mrs. Quaid love Dennis far more then Randy.

Until we meet again.


Bryan said...

i just assumed you were a home schooled virgin...

i need more....keep the blog is quickly becoming a part of my daily reading routine in the morning....just after pitchfork,, the citizen, and the daily star. I should note, however, that your sports commentary is far superior to that of greg hansen and crazy ol corky simpson...keep it coming...i want in depth analysis on the UA Oklahoma State game followed by a mock conversation between bobby knight and ...................anyone.

ddj said...
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Anonymous said...

there is a band called "west dakota"...but that's not a real state, so maybe it doesn't count.