Here’s some random thought and questions I’ve been pondering while eating the last of my Halloween candy.
- Whose idea was it to put Walnuts in Trail Mix? Is there anyone out there who actually likes walnuts, let alone walnuts in trail mix?
- Big 10 Football is almost as fun as chronic diarrhea.
- Are Carmelo Anthony and Glenn Robinson the same player?
- Why do Christians think it’s a good idea to blend two worship songs together? Everyone is already painfully aware of how bad Christian music is, why go a step further to prove this by showing that multiples songs have the same chords and progression?
- Family Feud just isn’t the same without Louie Anderson.
- Applying to a Community College feels a lot like applying for a value member’s card at a supermarket.
- I finally lost the last of my dignity when I admitted to actually liking Enrique Iglesias’s Hero.
- C’mon, it’s a catchy song.
- In related news, does anyone know if I can still categorize Kelly Clarkson as a guilty pleasure?
- Has there been a more underrated single in the last decade then Faded by Soul Decision.
- Is it just me or does Jarhead just look like an updated version of Three Kings?
- Diabetes, God’s punch line.
- Willie Tuitama = The Muther F*ckin’ Sh*t.
- If you haven’t heard it yet, the new Broken Social Scene is pretty good. Highlight songs are Swimmer and Supperconnected. And the rest of the album feels like it’s a grower.
- Also Sun Kil Moon’s Modest Mouse cover album is unbelievably good.
- Whenever Harry Potter 4 trailers come on I find myself so overcome with excitement that all I can do is clap my hands together and squeal/scream like a pre-teen girl. Cleavage often invokes this same reaction.
- Fantasy Basketball is slowly but surely taking over my entire life.
- Is there a less attractive female athlete then the softball player. (With the exception of Jennie Finch, who has that porn star hot thing going for her.)
- Sorry this isn’t much, but I’ve been busy as h-e-double hockey sticks lately.
Until We Meet Again
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