Friday, April 14, 2006


This here is the beginning of a new segment on my blog that I like to call trend-spotting. It will tell you what’s currently in, and what said in thing is replacing. I’m hesitant to call this a segment because I’ll probably never do it again, but that’s neither here nor there. Anyhow, on to trend-spotting.

- Jim Gaffigan is the new Mitch Hedberg
- Duke’s Lacrosse Team is the new Minnesota Vikings
- Quitting smoking is the new smoking
- Walk outs are the new war protests
- Da Vinci Code is the new Left Behind
- ATL is the new* Brokeback Mountain.
- Rachel McAdams is the new Jessica Alba
- Joakim Noah is the new Saul Smith
- Pragmatic is the new optimism
- Express is the new Buffalo (Exchange)
- Half chubs are the new boners.
- Death Cab for Cutie is the new Dashboard
- Deal or no Deal is the new Who Wants to be a Millionare
- Text Messaging is the new internet porn
- "I wish I knew how to quit you!” is the new “I’m Rick James Bitch.”
- Jason Mraz is the New John Mayer, wait scratch that. John Mayer is the new John Mayer.
- Self control is the new masturbation
- James Blunt’s Beautiful is the new Nickleback’s photograph**
- “And boom goes the dynamite!” is the new “And he could… go… all… the… way.”***
- Coldplay is the new U2, and I mean that in the worst possible way.
- Cleavage is the new thong slip
- DJ Gallo is the new Sports Guy
- “See ya ‘round” is the new “wasssup?”
- Burger King Commercials are the new Bud Light Commercials
- Mother Nature is the new Bin Laden

Well that’s all the trends we have time for today. See ya ‘round readers.

Until We Meet Again

* And by new I mean black.
** As in the radio hit that’s so bad it’s funny, therefore becoming good.
*** This maybe one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen:

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