Wednesday, April 20, 2005

And I claim I’m not excited with my life anymore

I really have nothing to say, haven’t felt any urge to post in the last few days either. But I feel obligated to post b/c of my readers who either read it at work (you know who you are) or just live in Tucson and have pathetic lives (sorry Randy). Anyway, here’s a story for you guys to read as you try to fill the void your own inadequacies have created.

So as those of you with a pulse may remember I recently purchased a ten dollar CD player do get by the weeks the followed that f***ing game which shall never be spoken of, and to ignore the outside world. For the most part this plan worked/is still working. But one day, the Friday before the Final Four, as I was walking to get my mail I hit a metaphorical bump in the rode. So as I was walking to get my mail, obviously listening to by CD player so as to avoid all the bandwagon Illinois fans, and people in general, when I saw a friend of mine. His name is Spencer, and he was one of three Illinois fans I met prior to this year. I see that he’s trying to say something to me, so I foolishly took out one of my ear buds. All I heard was “Illinois baby…” I then replaced my ear plug in my ear and way to loudly said “Eat a dick Spencer.”. As I turned back towards the mail room, I almost ran into a girl who looked as if she had just thrown up in her mouth. I said oh sorry, also probably too loud. She just looked at me as if I had just dropped her infant or killed and molested her grandparents. I just tried to walk away from the situation as quickly as possible. Now whenever I see this girl on campus I could swear she’s always telling her friends something to the effect of “…that’s the pervert right there…”. And that’s all she wrote.

Until We Meet Again

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