Tuesday, April 26, 2005

WARNING: This post is not for the feint of heart, or anyone with a conscience.

As some of you may know, my college has recently undergone a bit of a crisis. Minority students had to be taken off campus to a safer location on Thursday night and didn’t return until Sunday afternoon. For more info go here: http://abclocal.go.com/wls/news/042105_ns_hatemail.html

Now most people put in this situation would be appalled and frightened, but for me and a select few students, we were neither. Instead we were what many students would call “insensitive” and “a$$-holes”. While no of us ment to downplay the seriousness of this event, we just decide to ease our minds by making a slew of tasteless and racially insensitive jokes. Here are some of the highlights:

(Spaces means the comments are unrelated. For multiple reasons I’m going to keep everyone’s identity sort of hidden. Word.)
Thursday, day of the evacuation.
Me: So the first girl had money taken from her car and the hate letter was left in the car.
?: Yeh she had 200 dollars stolen.
J(suitemate): Yeah but it was probably just drug money anyway.
(We didn’t want to laugh at this, but it was really funny.)

After the evacuation…
K (suitemate): Yeah so they whitewashed the entire campus.

ME: Yeah this whole thing is unnerving, now let’s go watch American History X.

N(friend of a friend): I don’t know about you guys, but I certainly feel safer now.

Friday and Saturday:
Me: It sucks that the minorities are all gone, but at least I finally feel like I have a big penis.

Me: I just have a feeling something bad is going happen. I’m not going to class the first day the minorities come back.
D(friend): To show your disapproval for their safe return?
Me: No dipsh*t, are you kidding me?
D: Sorta.

? (Source asked to remain anonymous): Wow an all white campus, now I know what kids feel like at a real Christian College.

Note: Some comments were either not funny enough or too tasteless to be posted. All of these were jokes, at least I think so. In related news I’m headed straight to hell.

Until We Meet Again

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