Monday, September 26, 2005

Memories and Memoirs, Part 1

So after re-watching High Fidelity, one of the best movies evah, I came across a line that got me thinking. The line was:
“Some people never got over ‘Nam or the night their band opened for Nirvana. Well I never got over Charlie.”
This line got me thinking about things I’ve never gotten over. Some of them I may never get over, others I maybe over by the time I finish typing this. But either way here’s Part 1 of the list of things I’ve yet to get over.

The Ninja Gadien Trilogy: Three of the best video games ever, and on each one I’ve gotten to the final boss and never, despite countless hours of trying, defeated him. That fact haunts me to this day.

My Half Brother cheating every time we play Scategories: Seriously, who the f*** does he think he is? I mean it’s Scategories for chrissakes. I could go off on countless stories, b/c he cheats every f***ing time we play, but I’ll stick with just one story. One of the categories was toys and the letter was W, so this a-hole puts down Wonka trucks. Now we all know that it’s Tonka Trucks. Still, this lying POS went on to convince whoever it was we were playing with that the companies name was actually Wonka and they bought it. I was the only one who tried to vote him down. F him and F all of those people we played with that day.

The Ending to Huck Finn: Here we have a novel that was on the verge of being extrodinary, and then Twain pulls a Chris Webber on us. Seriously, he negates all the character progression that has gone on to this point and almost ruins the novel. I take it back, this is like C-Webb, the Buffalo Bills, Donovan Mcnab, Greg Norman and Byung Yung Kim all rolled into one.

The fact that System of a Down is really, really good: Honestly have you listened to this band? The tempo changes they pull are absolutely amazing. Their lead singer has an incredible voice with superb range. And I don’t even like the style of music they do but the songs are always catchy. Sh*t I hate the fact this band is too damned talented for me to label them as a guilty pleasure.

That the Arcade Fire-Wolf Parade Show in Chi-town being sold out: Truthfully I’m pretty much over this one, but this show is an absolute cream dream. By the time I found out about it it was already sold out. Damn.

The U of A – Illinois Game, 2005: I've tried long and hard to convince myself that his game never happened, but it did. Let me give you a little background here so you can understand the whole picture. U of A basketball is my 2nd religion, I’m completely serious. I live in die by this team every year from November to April. So here I am going to school in Chicago where everyone and there mother has jumped on the Illini bandwagon. Arizona has a 13 point lead 3 minutes left. I’m headed for the best gloating seesion of all-time, and the team to which I’ve devoted 20 solid years to is on the verge of the basketball Mecca known as the Final Four. Things couldn’t have possibly been better at that moment. And then, sh*t happened. I’d go into detail of telling you how they fell apart and eventually lost in OT all the while the refs swallowed their whistles. But I’d rather do something less painful like repeatedly stab myself in the penis with a sharp fork. I know now that I’ll never get over this game; I think I’m going go puke now and then take my own life. The mere memories of this game send me into a minor depression, seriously. Well now I feel completely miserable, stay tuned for part II.

Until We Meet Again